Research Themes


2018 Summer school

Motion Characterization with Inertial Sensors: Technological Battle for Rehabilitation

INTER-REPAR Summer School 2018

From Sunday, June 3rd 2018 from 3:00 p.m. until Wednesday, June 6th 2018

Interdisciplinary Institute for Technological Innovation (3IT), Université de Sherbrooke

Material development

Development of wearable technologies based on fiber optics sensors and of miniature physiological sensors with weak energy consumption to remotely evaluate motor control/motor capacity, mobility and certain essential metabolic variables.  

Current Projets:

Sentinelle North, SP 2.8: a team of electrical engineering and optics/photonics experts are working to develop a new wearable technology based on on fiber optics sensors and of miniature physiological sensors with weak energy consumption to remotely evaluate:

Software development

Development of an open source software platform to view information from different inertial reference systems (wIMU, Xsens, APDM, etc.) and to treat or use identical filters to analyse their data.  


Assessment of feasibility

Assessment of feasibility  of deployment of technologies in development (tests of existing technologies for data acquisition, transmission, stocking and treatment, environmental parameters to consider, technical aspects, etc.)


Consultation on technologies

Consultation and evaluation of the acceptability of technologies developed or in development with target populations and potential users.  

Collecte de donéées hors laboratoire

Out of the lab data collection

Data collection on target populations with technologies developed in movement measurement.